• Opportunity

    Learn to recognise the opportunity of a lifetime, within the liftime of the opportunity!

Proteus Systems Inc.

Energy for the Future Now!

Invitation for Investment Evaluation,

a Letter from the president.

The Issue
Companies today whether global or local are experiencing an unprecedented rate of increasing energy costs. Faced with few indicators that those costs will seas to continue there ever increasing climb or at best, stabilize in the near future. Industries are looking seriously at different methods and processes that will reduce their energy consumption during production. Their running out of Options!
The Dilemma
In all industries there is a common hidden source of energy produced that has the potential to mitigate significant energy costs. This source of energy is in the form of waste heat. Petroleum, Chemical, Automotive, and Steel production are just some examples of giant industries that generate significant waste heat during production of their goods. Consider how beneficial it would be to those industries to be able to offset operation costs through the recovery of their own waste heat and convert it back into electricity at low cost. Their savings is what is at stake for their end users and ultimately us. Wasted energy recovery in the form of heat to electric conversion is the greatest potential source of production savings today. The question that industry needs to ask itself is, who can provide the system that will take this surplus free energy and convert it back into profit.
The Challenge
Over five years ago Proteus Systems Inc. (Proteus) took up the challenge to design a system with the intention to help offset the rising cost of operating facilities around the world. Proteus recognized immediately that regardless of the size of the industry, turning waste heat into energy, would be a pillar of profitability. The Proteus team spent years developing an engineering system designed to help offset energies rising costs, contribute to energy sustainability and increase industries’ profitability. Their challenge was to find and develop the most effective and efficient system focusing on converting waste heat energy into electrical power that can be fed back into offsetting production and a facility(s) infrastructure costs. Get back money they already spent, without spending a whole bunch more to get it.
The Solution
What Proteus developed is a high tech generator, based on a Rankine, bottom cycle system, significantly redesigned to recover waste heat energy in the form of electrical power. This generator as designed by Proteus, has demonstrated proof-of-principle for a technology that is capable of accessing, harnessing, and converting available low-grade waste heat resources into electrical power. It is an extremely cost effective engine that has low maintenance costs and is of a modular construction that permits easy installation. Incorporated in the design are multiple patentable components developed specifically by the Proteus team for this system. Proteus has come a long way in the development of this generator system with the construction of a full scale power generation module, the completion of the first phase of commissioning, and the demonstration of the proof of principle. With these steps completed Proteus would now like to invite you to become part of this exciting project.,


Electricity from Excess Heat!

I was really surprised how my wast heat could be turned into electrical power, just like that. It was pretty amazing, money from my own wast, amazing! -John Smith

I was frustrated, trying to find ways of cutting costs, I really did not want to lay off staff. This system will recover wasted energy and wasted dollars $$, may help keep my staff and my plant working! -Bryan Kepler

The Opportunity

Proteus is moving to the next phase of the project, that of finishing the second phase of commissioning and move towards production of onsite units for commercialization and testing. For this phase Proteus is in search of a company that also recognizes the vast potential for this generator in a market place desperately searching for a solution. Proteus is seeking out a company that would provide the business support and would become our strategic partner that will join the team of visionaries and provide the business support needed to bring this system to industry.

The Invitation.

Proteus would like to offer you an opportunity to meet with its team for a full demonstration of the project and to evaluate the technology for yourselves. We believe that you will be greatly excited at the opportunity to work with us on this critical project. For more information on the opportunity and to join with us in our invitation, please feel free to contact me by going to the contact page on this web site. Please mention the word Opportunity in the message section and I will be sure to respond quickly to your inquiry.

Best Regards,

Miro Milinkovic, P. Eng.

Let Proteus build a system for you.